Chinese Oil Paintings & Sculptures
Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Part I)
Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Part II)
Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art
Stamps & Postal History
Coins & Banknotes(Part I)
Coins & Banknotes(Part II)
Addr: Hotel Kunlun Beijing
2 Xinyuan Nan Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
1897 Red Revenue stamp surcharged for postal use large figure 4c X 25 whole frame,with left, up margin,No. 25 is reconstruct,the 1st pane overprinting format,few stamps left,bright colour,perfect origin gum,LH,VF
109.8 X 166.2cm. Framed, ink and color on paper. No signature, dated 1969, entitled, with three seals of the artist.
Republic, The Portrait of Yuan Shi Kai Gold Coin Sample, Engraved by L.GIORGI, weight 34.8g., 1914, extremely rare, Proof